Refugee couple throw themselves on train track cradling tiny baby after hearing they are going to migrant camp

In a terrifying show of desperation this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary.
The heartbreaking footage shows a man and his wife laying on the tracks with their baby held between them as police officers attempt to drag them away.
In distressing scenes officers carrying batons and wearing full riot gear grab the arm of the mother as she struggles to hold on to her baby.

Reuters Hungarian policemen stand by the family of migrants protesting on the tracks at the railway station in the town of Bicske
Couple throw themselves on tracks after being forced off train
Several other officers are seen subduing her husband by violently pushing his head to the ground.
ITV reporter James Mates, who witnessed the incident, reported refugees on board the trains leaving Budapest's Keleti station believed they were going to Austria.

Reuters Hungarian policemen detain migrants on the tracks as they wanted to run away at the railway station in the town of Bicske, Hungary
Father attempts to cling to his wife and child as he is pulled away
Reuters Hungarian policemen detain migrants on the tracks as they wanted to run away at the railway station in the town of Bicske, Hungary
Police forcibly remove the father from the tracks
But the train soon stopped at the small town of Bicske 30 miles down the line where police were waiting.
"Refugees now being cleared from train one carriage at a time. Being corralled through an underpass, (very) unhappy," he tweeted.
Reuters reported that the migrants banged on the windows and shouted: “No camp, no camp”.

Police tried to clear the train by carriages, 100 people or so at a time and push them through an underpass before backing down.
Reuters Hungarian policemen detain migrants on the tracks as they wanted to run away at the railway station in the town of Bicske,
Hungarian policemen detain migrants on the tracks as they wanted to run away at the railway station in the town of Bicske
It was when riot police attempted to remove the refugees from the train that the man and woman threw themselves onto the track with their baby.
The anguish is visible on the man's face as police attempt to drag him and his wife off the track.

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